Claimable Work From Home Allowances: Time for a Furniture Upgrade!
It’s been close to a full half-year that most office workers have practised working from home. Unsurprisingly, the global pandemic has seen its effects produced locally in Melbourne, through decreased commuting to and from work. While more workers have embraced their productivity from within their home environment, some have been lucky enough to be given one-time grants by their employers as a pandemic support package. Apart from these funds being used to help tide workers over in case they do fall ill, some of these payments have actually been intended as a means for workers to upgrade their home desk environments. After all, a productive worker is a happy worker, and happy workers make for well-performing organisations.
Support for Home Office Equipment Purchases During the Pandemic
Whether you’ve been lucky enough to be given that kind of support by your employer or not, consider that you also have support from the Australian government during this time. It may interest you to know that the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has made it possible for workers to claim home office equipment purchases as part of their expenses during the 2020/2021 fiscal year. Under this update, you are able to make full claims for costs of items up to $300. This includes home office equipment such as computers, printers, phones as well as any furniture and furnishings purchased. Considering that this goes off the back of deductions you are able to claim on utilities while working from home, it would be a mistake not to consider how else you could improve your productivity while working from home during any time spent in lockdown!
Home Office Equipment Upgrades to Help Your WFH
It’s been tough enough on retail businesses during the pandemic. Thankfully, incentives such as this by the ATO help both employees who are working from home, as well as retailers who may be incentivising customers with clearance sales. All things considered, this is an offer you simply shouldn’t pass up. Whether it’s for a desk or a new ergonomic chair, it is simply left up to you to decide how much more productive you could be during this pandemic. Depending on what your home office needs most, you could drastically improve your productivity with a new storage option, such as a bookcase or a file cabinet.
Oftentimes, it’s the little things that count when creating a home office environment that is built to inspire productivity. Whether this comes in the form of accessory trays for your documents or desktop storage solutions, it’s up to you to decide how best you are keeping organised at home. We also stock a range of high-end executive chairs that offer the same ergonomic comfort found in most boardroom environments. If you are among the few customers we’ve had who miss the feel of a comfortable swivel chair, it might be time to purchase one for your home. Considering the amount of telecommuting required given the global circumstances, there’s no telling how much more of an investment in your home office could pay off for the long-term! If you ever need help with piecing together the ideal home office, give us a call on 03 9484 0766, or email us at today.